The Seven Sages

87.2 And I raised my eyes again to Heaven, and saw in the vision, and behold, there came from Heaven beings that were like white men. And four came from that place, and three others with them.
87.3 And those three, who came out last, took hold of me by my hand, and raised me from the generations of the Earth, and lifted me up onto a high place, and showed me a tower, high above the Earth, and all the hills were lower.

There are stories from all around the world about some semi-divine wise men, seven in many of the stories, who appeared after the flood to teach and restart civilisation. I haven't done an extensive study of this topic but I did notice that there is this specific mention in Enoch of these seven Watchers.
The Saptarishi are the seven rishis in ancient India, who are extolled at many places in the Vedas and other Hindu literature. The Vedic Samhitas never enumerate these rishis by name, though later Vedic texts such as the Brahmanas and Upanisads do so. They are regarded in the Vedas as the patriarchs of the Vedic religion.
Apkallu (Akkadian) and Abgal (Sumerian) are terms found in cuneiform inscriptions that in general mean either "wise" or "sage".

In several contexts the Apkallu are seven demi-gods, sometimes described as part man and part fish, associated with human wisdom; these creatures are often referred to in scholarly literature as the Seven Sages. Sometimes the sages are associated with a specific primeval king. After the deluge (see Epic of Gilgamesh), further sages and kings are listed. Post-deluge, the sages are considered human, and in some texts are distinguished by being referred to as Ummanu, not Apkallu

Below from India - The fish God saves Manu and the Seven Sages during the Great Flood